Who Are Orion?

Orion Training and Development Ltd is an educational provider specialising in supporting young people unable to engage in mainstream education. We are committed to ensuring that each young person has an educational experience that will enable them, no matter what their start point, to achieve their full potential.
Our ethos is about realising ambition, fostering self-determination and focusing on success. Each and every one of our students is encouraged to be growth minded, to persevere when the going gets tough and aim high. We teach our students the core values of respect, empathy and accountability and work on building character.

Our Core Values…

  • Perseverance: Giving 100% effort, even when the going gets tough.
  • Resilience: Coping with difficult challenges in life and bouncing back stronger than ever.
  • Responsibility: Being accountable for your decisions, answerable for your actions and excepting of the consequences.
  • Respect: Treating people with thoughtfulness, dignity, tolerance and with open minds.
  • Co-operation: Working together to help, support and encourage each other as part of a big team.
  • Diversity: Celebrating the diversity of our community and creating an environment where all people are valued and included.
  • Honesty: Being truthful, open and fair.
  • Wellbeing: Recognising our own self-worth and wellbeing and valuing that of others.

Key Staff …

Senior Leadership:

Murett Mendez:  Head of School
Georgina Mendez:  Chief Finance Officer
Elizabeth Caldicott: Designated Safeguarding Lead
Bob Chahal: Finance Manager

Safeguarding Team

Mrs E Caldicott: Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms M Mendez: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Krupa Sheth: Chair of Governors
Tel: 0121 245 7200  Email: Krupa.Sheth@orionschool.co.uk  Address: 1-39 Weston Road B18 7QD

Lloyd Robinson: Personal Development Behaviour and Welfare
Andrew Hawkins: Outcomes for Students

Eddie Bailey: Leadership & Management 

Dr Melrose Stewart: Quality of Education 

Health and Safety

Azim Kazi: Health and Safety Officer
Georgina Mendez: Fire Safety Officer
Georgina Mendez: First Aider


Georgina Mendez 

Tel: 0121 245 7200  Email: georgina.mendez@orionschool.co.uk  Address: 1-39 Weston Road B18 7QD

Murett Mendez

Tel: 0121 245 7200  Email: murett.mendez@orionschool.co.uk  Address: 1-39 Weston Road B18 7QD

Year Group Leads

Georgina Mendez: Year 10 Lead
Azim Kazi: Year 11 Lead

Student Care Team

Georgina Mendez: Mentor
Azim Kazi: Mentor